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Research topic analysis

Research topic analysis is used to identify topics within a volume of research, or connections to themes or issues such as, for instance, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Topic analysis may also be performed on a wider range of publication types and sources using Social Network Analysis (SNA). SNA can for example focus on the role of the authors within a network, identifying "subgroups" of authors based on similar research topics.

We can do the analysis for you or coach you in using the tool SciVal to do simpler analyses for your group.

Analyses provided typically include: 

  • Maps with clusters of topics of different sizes representing research volumes
  • Visualization of authors who play important roles within a network; for example, authors who have high degree centrality

Topic analysis has many potential uses: 

  • Description of research interests of a departments, AoA, division, centre, etc.
  • Identify new strategic collaboration partners through identification of overlapping or complementing research interests 
  • Using tools such as Scival for topic prominence analysis to get an indication of the momentum of a research field

Contact us

If you wish to get this analysis for your entity, please contact us at

